In the event you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, we offer complimentary returns of your item(s) for an exchange or full refund of the original purchase price on all shoes shipped to addresses in the United States.

If you request an exchange, we’ll send out your new pair as soon as we receive your first pair back at the warehouse. For exchanges, please contact our customer service team at

If your request is for a refund, we’ll issue a refund back to your original form of payment as soon as we receive your order back at the warehouse. Start a return for refund using the button at the bottom of this page.

The following conditions apply to all returns.

    • Merchandise must be returned to MOBS within 30 days of shipment.
    • Merchandise must not be worn, altered or washed.
    • Returns must include the original shoe box in its original condition without postal labels.
    • If MOBS determines that the merchandise is damaged and, as a result, cannot be returned, MOBS will ship the merchandise back to you free of charge.
    • Final Sale items may not be returned.
    • MOBS will not offer returns to any customers who have shoes shipped by MOBS to addresses outside the United States.

Please allow up to two billing cycles for the refund to post to your account via your original payment method. Click the link below to start a return for refund.


Start A Return
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